This is the Story of My Life Sexual AssaultHennessyApril 4, 2019abuse, heal, hurt, Me Too, sexual assault, song, story, survivor, teen, Video, voice, youtubeComment
Your Traumas Are Not Your Fault Emotional Abuse, Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYApril 3, 2019coping, domestic violence, healing, judgement, sexual assault, society, threats, trauma, trigger, victim, victim blaming, woundsComment
Learn to Love Your Body with Clara Wisner From the Experts, HealADMINApril 1, 2019blame, Clara Wisner, eating disorder, heal, healing, love, self love, trauma, Video, webinarComment
Fire Away Sexual AssaultmeresurvivantApril 1, 2019dreams, fire, flower, Nature, orchid, poem, poetryComment
My Anxiety and C-PTSD Make Me A Time Traveling Super Hero Emotional Abuse, HealNAMASTE ALLDAYMarch 27, 2019anxiety, C-PTSD, Memories, mental health, super hero, survivor, traumaComment
An Unsent Letter to My Abuser Sexual AssaultAugustMarieMarch 26, 2019abuser, anxiety, control, family, helpless, letter, parents, scared, suicide, traumaComment
My Online Friendship Turned Abusive. I was 12. Emotional Abuse, Sexual Assaultthe_girl_from_the_fireMarch 24, 2019abuse, cellphones, control, cyber abuse, friend, junior high, meowchat, power, preteenComment
My C-PTSD Makes Me Question My Trauma Emotional AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYMarch 19, 2019C-PTSD, healing, Memories, mental health, PTSD, traumaComment
You Have Permission to Feel Angry Campus Assault, Empower, HealMarleeMarch 19, 2019campus sexual assault, church, college, drunk, emotion, fight, fire, healing, overreact, parents, punishment, religion, sexual assault, step fatherComment
Grocery Store Sunday Emotional Abuse, HealAs_I_Sit_in_SilenceMarch 18, 2019anxiety, domestic violence, fear, healing, people, poemComment
Voices of the Past Emotional AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYMarch 13, 2019CPTSD, emotions, father, heal, hurt, little girl, Memories, mental health, voicesComment
She closed her eyes pretended to sleep and said, "It will all be over soon, I think" Sexual AssaultMarieMarch 12, 2019Childhood, childhood sexual abuse, depression, emotional abuse, high school, mother, poem, poetry, rape, sexual assault, stepfatherComment
Wash Sexual AssaultAs_I_Sit_in_SilenceMarch 11, 2019assault, cleanse, heal, healing, poem, poetry, shower, WaterComment
You Sexual AssaultAugustMarieMarch 5, 2019Childhood, childhood sexual abuse, cousin, family, poem, poetry, self harm, sexual abuse, victim, young girlComment
An Innocent Girl Heal, Sexual AssaultLunaMayMarch 4, 2019anxiety, boyfriend, C-PTSD, dissociation, flashbacks, heal, mental health, recovery, shame, triggerComment
Another Survivor Helped Me Through My Healing Journey Heal, Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYFebruary 27, 2019battle, choice, heal, hurt, Instagram, mental health, pain, recovery, secret, self harm, SLAF, strong like a fighter, therapyComment
Celebrating the Small Victories Campus AssaultMarleeFebruary 25, 2019college, heal, love, perspective, sexual assault, victoryComment
Coyote Emotional AbusealanagrowandglowFebruary 25, 2019abuser, domestic violence, emotional abuse, gaslight, mental health, predator, traumaComment
Here's Why We Stay in Abusive Relationships Emotional Abuse, Heal, Physical AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYFebruary 19, 2019abuse, family, heal, help, hurt, love, manipulation, relationships, restore, safe, why we stayComment
The Date Night That Ended In Him Raping Me Campus AssaultMarleeFebruary 18, 2019campus sexual assault, college, date, dog, escape, fight, heal, rape, restore, triggerComment