How My Life Changed After a Massage Sexual AssaultDeannaSanchezAugust 4, 2019boundaries, child sexual assault, Childhood, childhood abuse, detective, family, fighter, holidays, massage, self care, sexual assault, support, survivorComment
Relapses ContributersNAMASTE ALLDAYJuly 31, 2019anxiety, CPTSD, dark days, empowerment, happy, relapse, self care, self harm, self worth, suicide, survivorComment
How the Church Teaches Victim Blaming and Silence Sexual AssaultMarieJuly 30, 2019authorities, blame, church, dress codes, education, God, scared, sex education, sexual assault, silence, survivor, victim blaming Comment
Becoming HER: S1E9 Meet Danielle Becoming HERADMINJuly 29, 2019Becoming HER, Danielle Jacobson, domestic abuse, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, female, female abuser, friendship, heal, lgbtq, love, podcast, survivorComment
How I Became an Outsider at Church Sexual AssaultbluewritingJuly 28, 2019anniversary, childhood sexual abuse, church, flashbacks, friend, nightmare, rape, sexual assault, survivor, trust, validateComment
Healing Emotional AbuseMarieJuly 23, 2019forgiveness, Happiness, heal, healing, healthy, Journey, mental health, pain, past, poem, poetry, strength, survivorComment
Becoming HER: S1E8 Meet January Becoming HERADMINJuly 22, 2019Becoming HER, Butte, child, Childhood, Emily Kempe, January, mother, motherhood, parents, podcast, survivorComment
Glass Physical AbuseAs_I_Sit_in_SilenceJuly 22, 2019abuser, cycle of abuse, cycles, emotional abuse, glass, leaving, mosaic, physical violence, pieces, self harm, self worth, survivorComment
Becoming HER: S1E7 Meet @TheEditor Becoming HERADMINJuly 21, 2019Becoming HER, bravery, campus sexual assault, college, Emily Kempe, healing, mental health, podcast, sexual assault, story, survivor, wisdomComment
Becoming HER: S1E6 Meet Bella Becoming HERADMINJuly 21, 2019Becoming HER, Bella, dating abuse, dating violence, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, healing, marriage, podcast, survivor, teenager, young girlComment
Dear Mama Emotional AbuseNotDefinedByMyPastJuly 21, 2019child, Childhood, childhood abuse, dear, hope, love, mama, past, poem, poetry, self worthComment
So Much More Sexual AssaultbluewritingJuly 16, 2019better, breathing, fog, healing, love, loved ones, more, poem, poetry, self love, so much moreComment
I am HER: What I Learned from a Little Girl Sexual AssaultsheismeJuly 15, 2019Childhood, childhood abuse, childhood sexual abuse, drugs, healing, Journey, physical violence, rape, sexual assualt, story, survivor, therapist, therapyComment
Run Sexual AssaultRawArmorJuly 14, 2019alone, Childhood, childhood abuse, childhood sexual abuse, coping, emotional abuse, imagination, motherhood, narratives, run, sexual assault, survivorComment
The 5 Best Podcasts for Survivors That You Should Be Listening To Becoming HERADMINJuly 12, 2019abuse, awareness, childhood abuse, education, female empowerment, healing, Nate Postlethwait, podcast, sexual assault, survivors, the audacious life, the grass gets greener, The Other Side of Saved, traumaComment
Cleaning Sexual AssaultbluewritingJuly 9, 2019abuse, cleaning, home, poem, poetry, self care, self worth, strength, worthyComment
The Last Time Sexual AssaultMarleeJuly 8, 2019abuse, community, emotional abuse, healing, police, rape, sexual assault, survivor, trauma Comment
Being Victim Sexual AssaultLunaMayJuly 7, 2019blame, Childhood, childhood abuse, healing, innocence, past, shame, survivor, victimComment
Meet Tara Larrick: Leader, Speaker, and Survivor From the ExpertsADMINJuly 5, 2019dating, dating after abuse, domestic abuse, education, financial abuse, from the experts, hope, interview, relationships, self worth, survivor, teensComment
Becoming HER: S1E5 Meet Kristen Becoming HERADMINJuly 5, 2019Becoming HER, Childhood, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, family, healing, Kristen Glasheen, podcast, survivor, victimComment