How Spirituality Helped Me Heal RestoreNAMASTE ALLDAYSeptember 11, 2019domestic violence, familial abuse, God, heal, religion, restoreComment
Dear Running, I F*&^$ing Hate You Restore, Sexual AssaultmeresurvivantSeptember 11, 2019love, motherhood, running, self care, survivorComment
This is My Story About How My Best Friend Sexually Assaulted Me. Sexual AssaultbluewritingSeptember 9, 2019best friend, friends, rape, relationships, religion, sexual assault, story, strength, survivor, synagogue, worshipComment
Silence is Helping Me Heal Emotional Abuse, Heal, Physical AbuseKellyMaidaSeptember 9, 2019domestic abuse, domestic violence, silence, survivorComment
The Test Sexual Assaultthe_girl_from_the_fireSeptember 5, 2019abuse, boyfriend, cutting, high school, hospital, pregnancy, scared, self harm, sexual assault, workComment
Here's What I'd Tell A Loved One Who Told Me They'd Been Sexually Assaulted Sexual AssaultbluewritingSeptember 3, 2019beauty, heal, letter, monster, report, scream, sexual assault, space, strong, support, support group, talk, writeComment
I Had A Dream About My Dad Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 28, 2019Childhood, childhood abuse, childhood sexual abuse, dream, family, father, identity, Memories, question, sexual assault, therapy Comment
Sad Forever: Let's Talk About Depression Empower, HealRawArmorAugust 27, 2019battle, depression, help, lauv, mental health, mental illness, Music, song, survive, survivor, therapy, youtubeComment
Fool Me Twice. Part 2 Restore, Sexual AssaultPhoenixInTheAshesAugust 25, 2019boyfriend, college, domestic violence, emotional abuse, healing, hurt, love, partner, sexual assault, survivorComment
Why I Can't Let Go of My Self-Control Becoming HERNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 21, 2019body, change, control, emotions, fear, gap, mental health, nothing, pain, sexual assault, space, survivor, thoughtsComment
Keeping My Strength Sexual AssaultsheismeAugust 20, 2019abuse, mental health, pain, self worth, sexual assault, strength, survivor, thriving, trauma, victimComment
Becoming HER: S1E12 Meet Jo Becoming HERADMINAugust 19, 2019Becoming HER, domestic abuse, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, healing, lgbtq, LGBTQ Survivor, podcast, sexual abuse, survivor, trans, trans survivorComment
I Want My Sex Back Sexual AssaultLunaMayAugust 18, 2019boundaries, feelings, healthy, hope, human, recovery, self worth, sexual assault, sexuality, trauma, triggers Comment
Please Don't Judge Me Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 14, 2019assualt, depression, judgement, love, pain, prejudice, scars, self love, self worth, sexual assault, survivorComment
Scrub Sexual AssaultbluewritingAugust 13, 2019fault, heavy, Memories, pain, poem, poetry, scrub, shower, stain, survivor, traumaComment
Becoming HER: S1E11 Meet Lotta Becoming HERADMINAugust 12, 2019Becoming HER, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, Lotta, mother, Netherlands, podcast, sad, support, survivorComment
Learning Forgiveness Physical AbuseKellyMaidaAugust 11, 2019abuse, dating abuse, drunk, emotional abuse, fear, forgive, forgiveness, healing, physical violence, police, survivor, threatsComment
Time to Tame the Dragon Emotional AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 7, 2019consequences, dragons, fight, fire, flames, Memories, pain, phoenix, poem, poetry, pride, survivorComment
7 Things Depression Loves About You Becoming HERNotDefinedByMyPastAugust 6, 2019cycles, depression, isolation, loved ones, self care, self love, self worth, suicide, survivor, therapy Comment
Becoming HER: S1E10 Meet Alana Becoming HERADMINAugust 5, 2019abuse, Alana Frogley, AlanaGrowAndGlow, Becoming HER, Canada, children, domestic violence, Emily Kempe, gaslight, podcast, red flags, yogaComment